Schematic summarising the key findings. Green arrows represent positive impacts on plant traits (i.e. increases); red attenuating lines indicate negative impacts on plant traits (i.e. reductions) with the relevant Figure numbers given in black circles, which are also used in the following text. In summary, CO2 and Si supply increased shoot biomass, whereas herbivory reduced shoot biomass (2). Herbivory induced Si accumulation, which was also increased with Si supplementation; shoot Si concentrations, in contrast decreased with eCO2 (3). Si supplementation and herbivory reduced shoot C concentrations (4A), eCO2 reduced shoot N concentrations (4B) which resulted in higher shoot C:N ratios (4C). Endophytes reduced shoot P concentrations particularly strongly under eCO2 (5). Endophytes also reduced net photosynthesis rates, stomatal conductance and transpiration (6).